chickens Production, using artificial lighting.

There are two ways to try to raise the production of chickens by using artificial lighting.
- If the housing is lit in the cooler hours before sunrise or after sunset, the chickens are able to eat more.
- If the day length is increased by using artificial lighting, laying hens
Day length must not be increased until just before young chicks start
laying. Otherwise, it can lead to premature laying maturity. It is best to
start raising the chicks when the days are getting shorter.
If you need to start the growing period when the days are getting longer, try to artificially
ensure a constant day length. Just before the laying period
starts, lengthen the days by one hour a week until you have 14 hours
of light per day. After production rates have reached a maximum,
lengthen the amount of light per day by one hour a week until there
are 16 hours of light.
Once day length has been increased from 12 to 14 hours, you will
need to provide artificial light after sunset to maintain the extra day
length. If you do not do so, egg production will decrease. If you are
raising laying hens when the days are getting longer, you do not have
to provide extra light to stimulate egg production. However, the hens
will probably eat more if the housing is lit during the cooler periods of
the day.
Whichever kind of light you install, it must be strong enough. If you
use oil lamps, there must be enough of them, and they should be located
in the centre of the chicken house, and should be screened off
with thin slats or wire gauze, even if they are hung up. If you have
electricity, a chicken house can be lit with ordinary light bulbs. 40
Watt bulbs should be placed 3 m apart and 60 Watt bulbs about 5 m
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