How Weather Affects Your Chicken Runs and Coops

time can affect your work, and chicken coops in different parts of the world. How weather affects chickens and coops for? We'll look at some of the different situations, conditions and recommend some solutions in this article.

desirable climate

First of all let's look at the most desirable weather conditions and the condition of most chicken ranchers would prefer to have their own paths and chicken coops is in. From the beginning of the domesticated chicken ranching, natural climate for the chickens to the warmer climate. Sunny weather allows chickens to be outside the cage for extended daily sati.Prosječna recommended time for chickens to chicken in water is 12 to 16 hours a day to promote the healthy production of eggs for most breeds in natural okruženju.Proširena hours allows chickens food, water, and free to exercise every day, without worry of extreme bad weather.


rain affects different breeds in various ways. Some do not mind the rain, some can not be in the rain at all like Orps. Be sure to install several communities roosting in chicken coops and runs for chickens like to roost on 2 "x4" boards to get off the ground wet and cold surfaces. He said the birds' feathers to protect them from rain and it does not bother them, but remember that different types of chicken feathers as compared to ducks, two different surfaces with two different surface-repellent properties is one higher than the other. To put it simply duck swims chicken tons, water is not chicken 'best friend in high doses. I would also recommend a simple approach to the chicken coop run. Place chicken plank walk starts and ends in coops coop space for quick entry into the dry coop nesting boxes and rain.

cold weather

Cold weather brings some dangers you might not think about it, if you live in a warm climate. For example, standing rain puddles after a rain storm. Permanent rains offers for their chicks to drink water that can carry various forms of parazita.Parazita that will infect your chickens can cause chickens get sick and stop producing eggs. There are medications your vet can give you to get rid of the problem, but be aware of standing water in your chicken coops and work. After the rain I would recommend removing standing water and filling the hole with additional dirt.

The time and egg production

When fall rolls around, and daylight decreases, you will notice a reduction in your chickens' egg production. When daylight decreases, not only will your egg production decrease in some of our chickens, a couple can begin to molt if they do not provide for the artificial lighting in the cage. Your cage should be only low-watt light source in a simple time to light the chickens they require 14 to 16 hours a day. Remember to maintain their chicken coops and the cold, rainy weather can be simple, but keep your own maintenance, or you can run into health problems that will reduce egg production. I want to thank you for your interest in chicken coops and runs, and I hope you enjoyed these few helpful tips for a chicken ranch.


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